I walk into the maternity ward for the first time, with a scary impression up in my head about the man I am going to be rotating under for the next eventful six weeks of my already Wonderful life. "Are You all the students who will be here for the next six weeks"? We manage to answer that with the faintest movement of our vocal cords and then mutter up enough courage to look the man in the eyes. He reads out our names from an email in his mobile device with some funny mispronunciations and then dops his head. On raising my head, I first notice some strands of white hair gladly worshipping from his head and yelling out 'Wisdom"! 16 years of practice is by no means a fluke, but then Life itself is a school nobody is yet to graduate from. He seems close but still far away and despite the fact that many places have been entered in search of "the answer", the most important answer eludes him. I see a man in search of the currency of life and existence. One who could trade all for that golden moment of meeting the 'Great architect". It is believed a certain group of people use those words "great architect", but if its english, then I too can make use of it. We run through how the 6 weeks will span out for us and what we are expected to accomplish at the end of it. And then he makes a profound statement;
'This is going to be the worst six weeks of your life; Sleep is going to be a mere figment of your imagination".
Needless to say it has been the opposite apart from the sleep segment though.
The past 5 weeks have been eye opening and I feel as if my brain is about to have an orgasm. There has been an increased blood supply to the organ for the past 5 weeks. My mind has always been torn in between making definitions, reasoning out logic and defending my beloved faith.
My Faith, that was the biggest problem. Conflicting faith is one of humanity's biggest problem. Thanks to the tower of Babel and the overzealousness of men to see God, diversity has seen mankind battle many intellectual wars in search of the "Reference Point".
So the big question, Do you believe a God or do you create a mental picture of what you want your's to look like? I know the latter sounds like idolatry, but far from it. This has been the ongoing battle between the life veteran and my humble self. I have had to defend my belief, never questioning any because I know 'the answer is out there". I just haven't come across any yet.
As my six weeks winds to a close, I am more interested in knowing whether or not we can arrive on the same page. But one thing I have picked up and never letting go: "Knowing what your reference point is". It doesn't always have to fit another person's but If you've got it, follow it. I am not finished yet; I will be back..............
Monday, 17 September 2012
Sunday, 9 September 2012
From Heaven's Desk---The Test, the Tester and the Testee.
Psalm 139:23-24.
Examine me, O God, and know my mind;
test me, and discover my thoughts.
24 Find out if there is any evil in me
and guide me in the everlasting way.
Affirmation of the Fact that God alone is all Knowing: Even we Humans do not know ourselves as much as the creator does know us. Same way a computer tablet does not know its capabilities more than The "Steve Jobs" or "Bill Gates" that made it. To discover who we truly are and what we are capable of doing is best done when we pass through the Test. A personal experience does affirm this fact: a believe I hold so dearly. Little wonder the Bible says that every Man's work will be tested by the fire 1 Cor 3:13----his work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each man's work.
Even the man after God's own heart could affirm the all-knowing capability of God. The Psalmist knew that his real and true character would not be brought out when all going was good, but it will be brought out at those stages in Life where we have to step to the next level. The stage of the Test.
I always love to relate every spiritual lesson to what we can see here physically(because after all, the physical is a shadow of every thing done in the spiritual). Just as a student's real capability is brought out during the examinations, so does Life brings out our different forms during its "Test stages".
Prov 24:10---If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small.
The psalmist asked God to Test Him and discover his thought; what a request to make. But as known, true spiritual maturity lies in boldness-----2 Tim 1:7 For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.
Even Elijah put God almighty to the test. As great a prophet he was, he knew that the true capability of the all-conquering God could only be affirmed if he was put to a sterner test. After all if something is humanly possible, then there is no need for a miracle in the first place. Evening approaches and Elijah takes twelve stones, according to the number of the Tribes of the sons of Jacob, and builds an altar IN THE NAME OF THE LORD. He put the wood in order and cut the bullock in pieces and placed it atop the wood. Then, Elijah filled four barrels with water and poured them on the bullock and the wood, not once, not twice, but three times! At the time of the evening sacrifice, the Prophet Elijah came near and called on the Lord GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and of Israel to let it be known that “Thou art God in Israel, and that I am thy servant, and that I have done all these things at thy word.” Elijah continued on to make sure that Israel and the prophets of Baal made no mistakes about this most important event that would prove the existence of the ONE True GOD, the GOD of Israel and all that HE requires of HIS People and of the Stranger who wishes to worship HIM.
Life, Death and Sleep-----God's View on Life's most Intriguing Issue
( 2 Tim 3: 16&17; Every Scripture is God-breathed (given by His inspiration) and profitable for instruction, for reproof and conviction of sin, for correction of error and discipline in obedience, [and] for training in righteousness (in holy living, in conformity to God's will in thought, purpose, and action), 17So that the man of God may be complete and proficient, well fitted and thoroughly equipped for every good work...
The Holy spirit Breaths through the hands of a son in one sleepless night to answer a question on Life, death and sleep).
And Now>>>> lets follow through the next Line of scriptures to get a Bird's eye-view:
A. Ephesians 2: 1-3: “And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins" Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience: Among whom we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others”.
B. Deut. 30: 19-20 "I am now giving you the choice between life and death, between God's blessing and God's curse, and I call heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Choose life. 20 "Love the Lord your God, obey him and be faithful to him, and then you and your descendants will live long in the land that he promised to give your ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob".
C. Luke 9:56 "For the Son of Man did not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them [[from the penalty of eternal death] (Amp Bible).
D. Luke 20: 37-38 But that the dead are raised from death]--even Moses made known and showed in the passage concerning the [burning] bush, where he calls the Lord, The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. 38. Now He is not the God of the dead, but of the living, for to Him all men are alive [whether in the body or out of it] and they are alive [not dead] unto Him [in definite relationship to Him].
E. I John 3:14 (New International Version)
We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love our brothers. Anyone who does not love remains in death.
I John 4:8 "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.
F. John 11:11-15 "
Jesus said this and then added,
Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep, but I will go and wake him up.
The disciples answered,
If he is asleep, Lord, he will get well. 13 Jesus meant that Lazarus had died, but they thought he meant natural sleep. So Jesus told them plainly, Lazarus is dead, but for your sake I am glad that I was not with him, so that you will believe. Let us go to him.
Ever wondered why the Jesus called human death "Sleep"? Seems Hilarious at first mention. When I was a baby Christian still feeding on the Milk of the Word (1 Pet.2:2), I always thought Jesus was trying to make Joke of the entire situation as serious as Human death, maybe because he was the Son of God. But when I began to Feed on the strong meat Of the Gospel (Heb 5:12-14), The Holy spirit brought me to a place of understanding as regards why Jesus used the term Sleep. One note of caution that was sounded into my ears " God is full of Joy and Laughter, but funny enough not even an iota of his word is a Joke".
(Jn 6:63--It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.
Jn 14:24--and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.
Jn 12: 49--(NIV) For I did not speak of my own accord, but the Father who sent me commanded me what to say and how to say it.)
The above scriptures clearly shows that not even a term in God's dictionary is a Joke word nor was mistakenly uttered. God's words are life, they are spiritual, living, active and sharper than any two-edged sword (Heb4:12)---Not one thing in the entire Bible shows that God's word is a joke--so Jesus definitely could not be making up one when he says "Sleep". What then is Life, Death and sleep.
One thing that has to be clearly ironed out here is that any human formed and born into this earth will never cease to exist: Once you have been created, you will exist for eternity: on passage to the next world, your destination will be determined by the flight and airline with which you booked your ticket while here on earth. Why? Because matter is not destroyed but passes from one form to another. Interesting fact of science.
Secondly we all have to come to the terms that Humans do not "die" as that word does not exist in God's vocabulary. Little wonder Jesus rarely used the term to describe the passing on of a man. Luke 20:38 clearly points out that "TO GOD ALL MEN ARE ALIVE".
Dan 12:2 says And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake: some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting contempt and abhorrence. Note the Use of Words in this passage 'As many Who sleep". The bible clearly proves that what man considers as death, God considers as sleep. Jesus had to condescend Low to the use of Human vocabulary to bring to the understanding of His disciples the case about Lazarus' demise (Jn 11:11-15).
AS Believers we are not subject to the use of Human vocabulary because we are not of this world (Jn 15:19: Rom 12:2). This was the level of wisdom that operated in the apostles when they began to address the church as regards issues of Human death. Paul addressing the Church in Thessalonica (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18) shows the working of divine wisdom in the use of his words and sheds more light on the issue of those who are asleep in Christ. So therefore we should talk like gods because we are(Psalm 82:6-7). Now we have clearly established the proper word to define human death as known to the World, so therefore what is Death.
"Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him who had the power of death, that is, the devil; and deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage." ( Hebrews 2:14,15).
God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.(2 Cor 5:21).
For what the law was powerless to do in that it was weakened by the sinful nature, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful man to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in sinful man (Rom 8:3)
For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.(Rom 8:6).
Let me begin from the very verse above Heb 2:14,15: Christ had to, through death, destroy him who had the power of death. Now note carefully that death itself is not destroyed but its possessor was defeated by Christ. The Bible clearly spells out that death will be the Last enemy to be destroyed (1 Cor.15:26). If death itself was destroyed Christ would not have been able to defeat the possessor of its power who by then was Satan: because Christ had to "die" to defeat the possessor of the power of Death. Ever heard of falling into a pit to rescue someone who dug the same pit--Pretty much what Christ did, but he did not go to rescue but to defeat. 2 Cor 5:21 shows that Christ was made death(sin) for us--does that give you a glimpse what death is??----Death is sin. That is why the bible clearly spells out that the wages of Sin is Death: (Rom 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord). In other words when one fills a glass with water droplets, gradually it rises from one level till it fills to the brim...Then we can say the wages of that Little drops of water or the payment of the Little water drops is a filled glass of water. That why the bible in Provs 18:21 shows us that Life--The ability to confess Jesus and accept him as your Lord and Saviour(Roms 10:9), and Death--The ability to deny Jesus' Sacrifice on the Cross and continue living in perpetual bondage to sin, Is in the power of the Tongue.
1 John 3:14 says "We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love our brothers. Anyone who does not love remains in death". In other words, this can be re-written as " and we know that we have passed from bondage of sin into Life because we love the brethren. What is love? 1 John 4:8 answers that "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. God is love. God is Holy and Holiness requires abiding by the Law: Thus therefore we are sin-free and Holy because we Love the brethren. How? Rom 13:10 "Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law." By abiding in Love we fulfill the law(Gal 5:14, John 13:34-35, Matt 5:17).
So therefore a fact is established: Faith is built up: Death is bondage to sin. We can only avoid sin by keeping the Law just Like Jesus did (Matt 5:17 "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them", Jn 13:34-35“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”).
And we are glad that we are Just Like Jesus because As He is, so are we, even now. (1 John 4:17 In this [union and communion with Him] love is brought to completion and attains perfection with us, that we may have confidence for the day of judgment [with assurance and boldness to face Him], because as He is, so are we in this world.)
Pass from death to life------->Keep the law by-------->Fulfilling the law through------>Love.
(What is Life? coming soon.)
A Son Of God.
God's Glory is Man's Clothing!
Gen 3:10--'And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.'
Rom 3:23 "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
John 17:22
And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one:
Matthew 6:28:
And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin
Matthew 6:29: And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these..
Woke up this morning with a thought....Just about the glory of God; what was, what is n how has it been restored? with the above 4 passages, the Holy spirit answered a life-long question of mine...The spirit taught me this--"God's glory was and is Man's clothing". taking our minds back to the very First Adam, the bible clearly tells in the opening scripture how Adam ran and hid himself when God came for his daily routine visit to him in the Garden. Adam had sinned, and thus the entire mankind. And cos he sinned, the bible tells us that he realized that he was naked...why? after-all, the fruit was of the tree of the knowledge of Good and evil, not of the realization of our nakedness..cos if being naked was a sin, that means we all sin daily, cos a normal being ought to wash up daily! Then the spirit taught me this----going to the book of Roms 3:23, I now realised why Adam saw his nakedness--Thus, in simple context, Sin reveals our nakedness cos it causes us to fall short of God's clothing for us, which is His Glory! Thus Adam realised he was naked cos the clothing of God which was given to him had been let down from his body, so he realised he was naked!
"Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come. {14} He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall show it unto you." (John 16:13-14).
Indeed, the spirit guideth us into all truth! secondly, I asked again "why did Jesus say that even Solomon, the wealthiest and most splendid Human king that ever lived, in all his glory could not measure up to that of the Lillies? Then the spirit taught me again: The glory of man after Adam had sinned had been Lost to the devil and only a redeemer, one who could go to hell and bring back man's Lost glory, was able to redeem Man! Then, I now saw why our Lord had to go to the Hades to confront the devil after his death, in order to restore Man's lost Glory. So therefore the glory of solomon, which was man-made could not still measure up to the glory that God had poured out to the works of his creation. wOW! how interesting to know that before Jesus came, even the Lillies had more glory or say were clothed in more glory than us! Thank God man has now rightly taken his place in creation.
Now the spirit taught me again--John 17:22, Jesus spoke of the restoration of glory to mankind. The glory of man kind was restored...and I also think in addition to that, CHRIST HIMSELF, had deposited his own Glory in us, cos as the bible rightly says, *Christ in us, the hope of Glory*(Col 1:27)and as he is, so are we in this World(1 John4:;17). Thus man after Christ is way far greater and more glorious than Man before Christ, cos the Glory of the latter vessel is greater than that of the Former(Hag. 2:9). So Christ restored to us and gave us his glory that we may be one just like The Father and The First-born from the dead! Awesome.
Therefore brethren, we can now rightly hold fast to that which had been restored to us. And panic no more, cos we have now, the Glory of God which cannot be taken away, neither does it fade away. We are no longer short of the Glory/Clothing Of God cos Christ had restored to us that Glory!
Rejoice, cos indeed on earth peace goodwill is truly to men!
LOVE (Faith, Hope and Love.....Part 1)
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. (1 Corinthians 13:13)
Lets go with Love!
Do you know you could give your entire world of possessions to somebody without loving the person? *(If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing. 1 Cor. 13:3)*
Do you know you could have faith a great as to move mountains, the gift of prophecy, speak in diverse tongues, fathom all mysteries and all knowledge and yet lack in love! (1 Cor. 13:1)
Why? The answer is simple. The lesser is contained in the greater. To gather all other individual qualities, Spiritual gifts and other things, all we need do is ask! Listen, God's word is so true that it works for just anybody..I mean anybody! You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.(Romans 5 vs 6-8). So you see the scripture points out those for whom Christ came to redeem. Note carefully, not the Righteous, but the ungodly! All you need do is apply the word! Jesus said, * WHATSOEVER ye shall ask the father in my name.....do you know what that means. Only the Son of God can talk like that..and the Bible lets us know that by receiving Jesus, we have the power he possesses. The bible tells us that as many as received Jesus, to them he gave power to become SONS OF GOD even to them that believe on his name!(John 1: 12).
Note carefully the two words pointed out by the scripture, RECEIVE AND BELIEVE. That covers two sets of people and means two different things. TO RECEIVE JESUS IS DIFFERENT FROM BELIEVING IN JESUS. THAT IS WHAT DIFFERENTIATES A BORN AGAIN FROM JUST ANYBODY WHO REFERENCES OR BELIEVES IN JESUS. But notice, the bible incorporates the two sets of people. Those that RECEIVE JESUS(BORN-AGAIN) and those that BELIEVE ON HIS NAME(WHICH MAY BE BORN-AGAIN OR NOT) So that means by receiving/believing Jesus, I can ask whatsoever. So do not be surprised that even the word of God works even for "those people". what is my point...Even the devil can prophecy, quote the scriptures(refer to the temptation of Jesus), give gifts to people, but one thing he cannot do or be is Love. Do you know why?
Because God is love and the devil can never be God.
So I can be all the good things and still be lacking in love? YES!
So how do we solve this? That takes us back to the POINT that shows that the Lesser is contained in the Greater". Now love contains all/every other virtue including WISDOM. Why do I say so. The Bible tells us that He that winneth souls is WISE! (Proverbs 11:30) Now you would not want to win a person over to Christ to gain eternal life if you do not love that person.
So I want to possess all these sterling qualities in its entirety, so what do I do?
Instead of asking God to give me each one individually, I ask God to Give me LOVE, which covers them all. That is what the scripture means when it says *asking according to God's Will*. It means asking like God would have asked, thinking like him before asking*. So instead of selfishly asking *God please give me wealth, God would be more pleased if I asked him * God bless me with your kind of Love* because under that umbrella of love, there is wealth in abundance! God is pleased when we ask for things in wider and greater dimensions. That is why God was pleased with the asking of Solomon. Solomon though being a Child, asked for something that encompassed other things *wisdom*. Under Wisdom was wealth, fame, good health etc. So instead of asking God for one of these, he asked God for one thing that had all of those.
That is why Paul in his writing to the church at Corinth emphasized Love as being the Greatest of them all! Because God is love, asking God to bless you with his kind of Love is like literally telling him:
GOD PLEASE MAKE ME YOU! What a request! God will be so pleased because he has always wanted us to be like him. That is why he made us in His own Image and likeness. To further attest to that, he wanted us to have his being, that is why he charged us in Leviticus 19:2 (New International Version)To
'Be holy because I, the LORD your God, am holy".
not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives Life.
The above scripture reference is 2 Corinthians. 3 vs 6. To the Jews, the feast of Pentecost is a celebration of the giving of God’s law. It takes place 50 days after the Passover feast. When God gave the Israelites the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai, it was 50 days after they had celebrated their first Passover and come out of slavery in Egypt.
But what happened after God gave them the law on the first Pentecost? Three thousand people died! (Exodus 32:28) Contrast this with another Pentecost in the New Testament. In the book of Acts, it says that when Pentecost had fully come, God gave not the law but the Holy Spirit, and what happened? Three thousand people got saved (Acts 2:41), which goes to show that “the letter [the law] kills, but the Spirit gives life”! Now if the ministry that brought death, which was engraved in letters on stone, came with glory, so that the Israelites could not look steadily at the face of Moses because of its glory, fading though it was, will not the ministry of the Spirit be even more glorious? If the ministry that condemns men is glorious, how much more glorious is the ministry that brings righteousness !For what was glorious has no glory now in comparison with the surpassing glory. And if what was fading away came with glory, how much greater is the glory of that which lasts! Reference (2 Corinthians 3; 7-9).
Therefore, we are made Minister of the NEVER FADING GLORIOUS NEW COVENANT and not of the Old covenant upon which hangs over, the veil on the face of Moses! So if you want to be blessed, make sure that you are on the right mountain. You see, the law was given on Mount Sinai, but the Spirit on Mount Zion. That is why the Bible says that “you have not come to the mountain [Sinai] that may be touched and that burned with fire, and to blackness and darkness and tempest… But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels”. (Hebrews 12:18, 22) The Lord blesses you out of Zion (Psalm 128:5), and not Sinai.
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. ( 2 Corinthians 3vs 17).
If you are seeking for freedom, SEEK THE SPIRIT!
Sunday, 2 September 2012
HELP! The Auto Transport Industry is on Steroids.
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The Auto transport industry is suddenly experiencing a boom. |
Some 7 years ago, the auto transport business was still in its growing phase but now it looks like its been injected with steroids such that you can find them popping out almost everywhere. Not too surprised that the Internet has a lot to do with this. The web has enabled the sprouting and booming of many industries that were visibly absent about a decade ago. The car transport business is a prime example. Since every task became very much accomplishable by just sitting in front of an Internet enabled PC, Life got a little easier. Even cars are now bought online and shipping those cars to their destination has to be done, and that is where the auto transport industry gets it strength. EBay motors are now one of the largest used vehicle dealerships one can find on the planet. They get to sell more cars than those ones in the stands. Thanks to auto transport companies, the location of the vehicle one desires to acquire is no longer a huge hindering factor during purchase. Now when a vehicle is purchased, these vehicle shipping companies ensure that it gets right to your doorstep. EBay motors have had a great impact on the car transport business and it doesn’t look like that impact is diminishing anytime soon. So if I live in New York and happen to want a car rom Philly, I really don’t have to sweat over it. The auto transport company will. There are a number of other small car dealers scattered all around the globe that also have their inventory up on their websites. These sites also have a reasonable impact on the auto shipping industry.
The method of transport and getting a good deal always does present a headache when to comes to selecting which vehicle transport company to use. A proper research and evaluation is normally required in order to come up with a favorable deal. With a whole bunch of them displayed on the web, making a choice becomes much tougher. Also depending on the type as well as the most readily available, there are some options such as the Open type car transport, close type car shipping, door-to-door and terminal-to-terminal car transportation. In the open type, there is a risk of exposure to sun and rain, but many auto shipping firms work with this. It is actually a simpler method if not the simplest and can hold as much as a dozen loads of automobile. In the close type as the name suggests, the car is safe or closed from all endangering factors especially unforeseen weather changes. This is one of the primary reasons why it does involve more bucks and has a limited load space for about 2-3 vehicles, ensuring that each vehicle is entirely covered and shielded from any pending danger. Dad always used this mode in transporting his vehicles, I think primarily because of the Porsche Cayenne. So I think it safe enough method for moving your luxurious toys. The door-to-door transport mode is cost effective as well and is certainly in great demand due to the fact that it preserves time and energy. Basically a whole lot in Internet merchandise makes use of door-to-door shipping.
Getting adequate and detailed information on auto moving quotes would require a bit of guidance. Like the favorite saying goes "Many are called, but few are chosen". Choose wisely!
Saturday, 25 August 2012
What Of my Own RIGHT TO VARIETY? I need me some $1.5 billion too!
Could this be a battle of supremacy, intellectual pride or more than just these? I always maintain that 'Consumers more than the Producers should be handed more rights". Every Producer is a consumer but not every consumer is a producer. This is a very common fact. So whose Umbrella ought to be wider? well, if my reader has a beautiful mind like John Nash, this shouldn't be such a tasking question. So my big question is 'Does the Consumer not have the right to varieties?" I personally want to be able to flaunt an iPhone and a Galaxy tab all at once. I'm a consumer, and I have a basic right to flaunt! Aint it? I personally think that Apple's legal campaign is aimed at trying to beat down competition resulting from the spiking growth of Android, the operating system created by Google, that is used by Samsung and other device makers. In the second quarter, Android phones—which are made by many phone makers—represented 68% of smartphone shipments, while Apple's represented 17%, according to market research firm IDC.
So why does a company's greed get in the way of my right to Variety? That's the issue i think the U.S court should be ruling, not some flimsy patent appeals. If your design is copied, make a new one and a better one. After-all, not everything used in the making of Apple products are manufactured by Apple itself. So why bother when you see another device with a rectangular shape and rounded ends? Must everything be an "i"? SMH, iNonsense!
Funny enough, I use Apple products, and they are the coolest thing the human hands can feel. But the consumer loves competition, and that is what drives us on to buy a black mix in a coca-cola bottle instead of the same mix in a bottle labelled "Pepsi". We dont ask for much, just the ability to make Choices and the right to pick up and stick to our choices.
Apple, which cited 28 Samsung products in the case, sued Samsung last year and ultimately accused the South Korean company of infringing seven patents. Samsung fired back, alleging some iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch models infringed up to five of its patents. Well, I find something quite interesting as this matter unfolds. There happens to be two sets of Judgement, one from the U.S and the other from the home of Samsung, South Korea. As the story further untolds, we see clearly the work of greed instead of Consumer Interests. Now one person has to pay the other some $1 billion, and the battle seems to go on more and more. All I ask is my simple little question; when I get an answer for me, then you will see me blogging again. Buy the "I's", but do not forget, the earth is part of a wonderful Galaxy.
Till den, Obrigado!
Till den, Obrigado!
Thursday, 2 August 2012
Saturday, 21 July 2012
My Video of the Day. Strive Masiyiwa Speaks...
This is the best Video I watched today. What beauty to see a business mogul who just loves Jesus.
Video courtesy: CNN
Wednesday, 18 July 2012
Jesus, the First Tweeter (You Could Give your Life to Jesus on Twitter. It's that Easy, just #ff Jesus).
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Are you Tweet-Worthy? |
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Jesus Tweets. |
Now blogging on twitter and Jesus wasn't my original idea, I had first encountered a similar piece on Relevant Magazine website and I thought to myself to blog this, but my own version though. So before you start giving me credit for coming up with such a brilliant idea, make sure Relevant magazine knows about it. Unlike Facebook, twitter epitomizes what true discipleship is. Because in Facebook you only Like and that's all. No Faith action is taken and we know that Liking Jesus alone can't get you into heaven. You sure need to follow, and the vehicle of twitter provides a perfect platform for that. More rightly, Jesus said 'Follow me and I will make you Fishers of men".....In twitterdom, that can be interpreted as "Follow me and I'll get you more followers".
Quoting Relevant Magazine: 'Christianity is all about following, but that is hard for us to accept. We want to be the leader who takes people to success and greatness. Jesus says, “I’m your leader who takes you to the cross.” Leaders wear crosses. Followers bear crosses. No wonder some find Jesus too demanding and break off their relationship with Him. No wonder Jesus turns to His disciples and says, “Will you also go away?” The first words Jesus’s disciples heard? “Follow me.” Jesus’ words were not interpreted in a directional sense (“Let’s go north!”). They knew He was calling them to be caught up in what He was doing. Jesus never once used the word leader or anything like it to refer to His disciples. He himself “led” with towel and trowel as He portrayed God’s dream for the world.
True that! Very true.
So where the hell is Jesus' twitter account? Sorry, I guess that's why you haven't found it yet. Jesus account aint in hell, so I guess if you could rephrase the question, you may likely find it cos its quite glaring. Funny enough, Jesus is the only tweeter that has multiple accounts and with different names also. Still searching? Well, contact me privately or better still read my first post on this.
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Yes, Rightly so. |
Jesus and twitter have a lot of similarities. They both like keeping it Simple. No one was better at tweets than Jesus. He was always tweeting the Gospel in slim, memorable phrases, and even expressed his Gospel in The Great Tweet: “Love one another as I have loved you. JESUS explained the most complex of stories with the simplest Parables. His commands were simple "follow me". It takes more work to sieve thoughts into two sentences than two pages, and that is where the awesomeness of Jesus' words came out for al to see. He had that Unique ability to distill thousands of thoughts and wrap them into just two lines still delivering the punch notes. Same way, Twitter teaches conciseness, but we have to supply the substance. If you can't relate the idea in 140 characters, then you probably dont understand it yourself. The more understanding one gets, the simpler things become. why? Because "My people perish for lack of Knowledge". The latest world culture is keeping it simple and concise but still delivering the point. Every missionary has the responsibility of imbibing that culture and twitter has the potential of being the world's biggest Missionary vehicle.
Twitter connects me both to others and to what’s hot, what’s current, what’re the reigning gossip and styles of this new global village. With Twitter I can keep one ear perpetually pinned to the ground. When I want to go "worldly", twitter tells me about the see through clothing Gaga wore in London or the Kola Boof and Djimon Hounsou sex affair. Short messages are interesting and they thrust deeper especially when they carry a weight load of words.
Wireless technology enables the multiplicity of personal exchanges to take place today with people from around the world. Twitter is the new global commons. It's the online version of the daily short messages we exchange in our human village: The Hi's, How are you and what you working on? I am not the most social person, history can confirm that. But Twitter has helped me keep tabs with my friends. Finally you get to talk to people without seeing their annoying faces. Phew! technology has saved me a lot. Twitter has enabled me to keep private yet go public. As contrasting as that may sound, that was actually the lifestyle of Jesus. He knew how to feed the masses without allowing his privacy to be invaded. He tweeted them the gospel. Twitter has opened my eyes to the Life of servitude. You do not tweet for yourself but for your tweeps. I am always looking forward to spreading a gospel to my tweeps.
Jesus tweets: I re-tweet. RT simply is sharing the Virus of the gospel. In a Youtube term, it simply means making a tweet go Viral.
Let Jesus trend in you life today. Keep RT.
Monday, 16 July 2012
Eeeeeeeeee! Arara rarara!
There's nothing as sweet as good music. When it hits you, you feel no pain. Eeeeeee! Here’s something new from illRymz featuring Legendary Afrobeat musician, Femi Kuti titled “Teacher Teacher”. I love the blend of the two different genres (Afrobeat and Rap) on this one....Wonder why soup tastes so sweet? Eeeeee! Cos its a mixture of different(S) which turns out to form a blend.
Friday, 13 July 2012
How Twitter can Lead you to Salvation. #ff Jesus.(Part 1)
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Tweet Your way to Heaven. |
Compared to top Twitter celebrities whose tweets reach hundreds of Millions of people, religious leaders accounts tend to have more engaged followers. They have all built loyal ranks of followers well beyond their social networks — they are evangelical Christian leaders whose inspirational messages of God’s love perform about 30 times as well as Twitter messages from pop culture powerhouses like Lady Gaga. Gaga will be tweeting on her road trip, Joyce would be tweeting you out of a hoe's strip. That's just how much fun it can be, contrasting as it may but twitter doesn't really mind. Just gather the followers, that's all. I for once usually thought that Posts from N.B.A. players, politicians, Musicians or actors were always causing the trends and ricocheting around twitter like no one's business: Little did I know. The rate at which the Posts from Religious leaders generates momentum, retweets and responds is absolutely shocking.
So alarming was it that at one time my Pastor and Father in the Lord, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome was gathering over 2 million + followers so much so that he received a personal message from twitter asking "who are you". The tweet execs thought another entertainer or Hollywood buzzer was on the rise. Twitter could not contain Pastor Chris and his followers and so the execs had to limit the number of his followers. Well, the long and short of the story is what led to the birth of Yookos. The Pastors are punching well above their weight and the tweet moguls can see the anomaly.
Joyce Meyer, Max Lucado, Pastor Chris and Andy Stanley were not well known inside Twitter’s offices. Like many of us know, God gives man ideas for his edification. Music was instituted in heaven, Lucifer was the head Chorister. He knew how to make good music. When he was thrown down, he used God's idea to gather more followers. He knew he could get people to do what he wanted if he introduced worldly music into their thinking. That he has done and successfully too. While the name lady Gaga may be greeted with a loud ovation, Such cannot be said of Israel Houghton or Kirk Franklin. But that time is coming soon!
According to reports from Pew Research Center, Fifteen percent of adult Internet users in the United States are on Twitter, and about half of those use the network every day. No doubt twitter wants to beat Facebook's mark of 900 million users worldwide. On that note, they have embarked on projects to add new users and a key part of that Projects involves making the religious leaders more tweet-comfortable.
People want to believe in something. They like it, be it good or bad! They want someone to follow, one who will lead them in the path of life, be it Buddha or Jesus. Given that a large chunk of the world's populace believe in Jesus Christ, getting more tweeters to #ff Jesus would not just be a means of adding new users but also "making money from Jesus". That's just how the Tweet execs see it because no doubting that Jesus is the most Popular of them all. Not everyone wants to follow a C.E.O except the hedge fund managers and Forex Brokers, but the vast multitude that the religious leaders amass in follower-ship is not restricted to a particular area or field of life. With the C E O's, it more about how the dollar is faring against the GBP, but to the Pastor, its all about sitting at the Table and breaking Tweets( or bread). After all, words are tweets and tweets are words. We wont be too far away if we had a view like John
"In the beginning was the tweet, and the tweet was with God and the Tweet was God"
For twitter now, it is more about offering training, analytics and helping to swat away impostor accounts, as well as encouraging leaders to be less promotional and more personal in their posts. Twitter has offered similar support to celebrities and athletes since the company’s founding and now are extending this right hand of fellowship to the Mega-Pastors. They think: If we could offer more help to these men who command at least 4000-6000 people every Sunday, persuading them to also Preach the Twitter gospel just by sending out those short powerful messages, we could be launching our own IPO Sooner than expected.
Twitter's gain will become Jesus' gain.
Thursday, 12 July 2012
Bishop Oyedepo Wins Assault Case.....Robert Igbinedion Buries face in Shame.
Bishop Oyedepo: If You like, try another Lawsuit make I catch U! |
No matter the angle of interpretation, Mr Robert Igbinedion was looking for a get-rich-quick scheme. Sorry to say, it failed him. I have always stated the fact that 'we are Nigerians" not westerners. Some things no fit just hold ground for naija land. #Kpomkwem.
Igninedion, who filed a suit on behalf of the young lady who was allegedly slapped in Oyedepo’s church in 2009, had asked the court to award N2billion as ‘general and exemplary damages’ against the pastor among other reliefs. #2billion, something worry you.The presiding judge, Justice Ojo, however struck out the case for lack of merit and awarded the sum of N20, 000 (oboy shame for catch me, e no even reach tithe amount) against the plaintiff. He said the girl, who was allegedly slapped, remained a ghost victim and that the applicant failed to prove that he attended the service where the girl was allegedly slapped.
Dele Adesina, counsel to Oyedepo, had argued that there was nothing to show that the young lady who was slapped in the video – who had been dubbed ‘Miss Justice’ in the course of the suit – is a living person.(Oboy, see law na, kai!)
Quoting Premium times: “We humbly submit that ‘Miss Justice’ is a fictitious person, not capable of being represented in court.
“For the applicant to establish that he is suing on behalf of another person, that person must be determinable and identifiable,” he added.
So as e happen like that, MR iGBINS JUST WAKA GO! HIM CAREER DON END BE DAT.
Patience Jonathan, Nigeria's First Lady, Appointed as Perm Secretary...
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Dame Patience Jonathan, Nigeria's First Lady. |
Remember, its Nigeria we talking about.
Read story here.
Wednesday, 11 July 2012
No more Coke for Ronaldinho..Coca Cola "bans" Ronnie!
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Pepsi Vs Coke... |
First, a webcam video of him masturbating went viral on web November last year with his former club Flamengo also revealing pictures of Ronnie and his wife in a Hotel in Londrina, Parana, where the team stayed during the pre-season in January and now losing his coca-cola sponsorship?
Just about a month after parting ways with his former club Flamengo over unpaid wages, Ronaldinho is the one being accused of breaching contracts as Coca-Cola ended his lucrative sponsorship deal less than a year after it was signed. The breaking point for the R$1.5M ($737,400) a year deal that was to run through the 2014 World Cup in Brazil was apparently that Ronaldinho appeared with cans of Pepsi which happen to be the sponsor of his new club Atletico Mineiro, at Press Conferences. (Lol, oboy the guy no fit drink wetin im wan again?, sha for Sponsorship o...Lwkmd)
Quoting Sports business daily:
In the last month, Ronaldinho left Brasileiro's Flamengo FC, "the team with the largest fan base" in Brazil, sued the club for R$40M ($19.7M), and appeared at an introductory news conference with his new club Atletico Mineiro "surrounded by Pepsi cans." In a statement, Coca-Cola Brasil cited "recent events" as the reason for the break-up. With the decision, Ronaldinho will not receive any additional money from the company nor will the drink manufacturer have to pay a fine. Institution ESPM Marketing Dir Marcelo Pontes said, "The fact that the player appeared with a Pepsi can was the last drop for Coca-Cola, but it probably was not the only motive for the decision."
Tuesday, 10 July 2012
Ipad may have a Rival..Well, Nexus 7 is Closer, and its Just $199.
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Nexus 7. |
The battle of the tablets seems to get more interesting. Samsung got a court ruling forbidding them from selling their Galaxy tab in the US after Apple said that "it looks so much like the Ipad". Well while Windows 'surface" and Ipad seem to be sky-rocketing in prices, the new Android tablet from google may just be the easy answer. At $199, same with the Amazon with far greater capabilities much like that of the Ipad, the Nexus 7 is the best Android tablet yet...and it's just 7-inch. Yes, 7!
Read more Here.
Monday, 9 July 2012
2A'S become One. Andres Iniesta and Ana Ortiz say "I do".
Andres and Ana. |
Kissing to a new Beginning, Andres and Ana. |
Barca idols Lionel Messi, Xavi, Carles Puyol and Gerard Pique were present, along with Spain and Real Madrid captain Iker Casillas. Samuel Eto' Fils and wife were also present to wish the midfield maestro a good start as he starts a life-long season of playing in the Husband's league. People lined the streets leading to the wedding in Tamarit, with Barcelona teammate Gerard Pique tweeting "this looks like the Tour de France.''
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What a year it has been! |
Cesc Fabregas and Girlfriend Arrive Castle of Tamarit. |
Messi andd Girlfriend Antonella Roccuzzo arrive the Castle of Tamarit to Celebrate Andres and Ana. |
Pedro and Girlfriend arrive the castle of Tamarit. |
As he scores goals this time around inside an Uterus, I wish Andres THE BEST IN HIS NEW JOURNEY.
Victor Valdes... |
Eto and wife also graced the Occasion. |
They may stop Andres in Training, but no more stopping him in this one..Gerard Pique and Puyol. |
Iniesta has never ben mentioned without Xavi being the next name...Footballing besties. |
Friday, 6 July 2012
Thursday, 5 July 2012
Call the Inspector General Of Police directly on his CellPhone Number 0805966.....
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IGP, Mohammed D Abubakar. |
Read full story here at OluFamous.com.
Can You Imagine? A Thief questioned me?
This is what happens when one of the most trusted threads in the Fabric of the House decides to get $3 million richer at the expense of his integrity and that of the Legislative. See Video above. (Video Courtesy of ChannelsTV). Just incase you are new to the #LawanOtedola saga, read it here. What happens #onlyinNigeria.
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Zenon Oil Boss, Femi Otedola. |
#LawanOtedola: A show of Shame.
Its been a grilling period for the Nigerian Republic. Security is at its highest threat as the Bokos go about killing lives haramly and FaroukOtedola money love affair is gathering momentum but actually going nowhere. Look at the stories in the Links below:
#Faroukotedola, $3 million, Farouk Hides Money In cap, Audio transcipt,
We will expose corruption
I have been closely following the media reports on the #Lawanotedola Story and I must say I really haven't decided to blog on this until all procedures are carried out and duly verified. But I have some questions to ask:
1. How does a lawmaker facing ALLEGATIONS FOR CORRUPTION still retain a seat as a Honorable member in Nigeria's parliament. For a said involvement in the scandal, he should be forced to resign and face charges. The law might say He is innocent until proven guilty, but with such mounting evidences at least, a resignation is not a condemnation.
2. Why does a Chairman, House of Representatives Ad hoc Committee on Fuel Subsidy have a meeting other than an official or Committee requested meeting with one of the very culprits whom you are investigating and also against who your committee report does not favor. Every meeting would and is supposed to be within the borders or confines of the said Committee, including all conversations and interrogations.
Well, I am still awaiting the conclusion of this interesting saga. Whether Nigeria accpts or not, this is a big shame for a country of our magnitude. Only in Nigeria do corrupt officials seek to fight corruption. Trust me, this whole thing will end the Nigerian way. As for Mike Ozekhome and Farouk, you both must really think Nigerians are very dumb. It's obvious Farouk is really smart. *smh*
Civilians beware, the military is watching your failures. #justsaying.
#Faroukotedola, $3 million, Farouk Hides Money In cap, Audio transcipt,
We will expose corruption
I have been closely following the media reports on the #Lawanotedola Story and I must say I really haven't decided to blog on this until all procedures are carried out and duly verified. But I have some questions to ask:
1. How does a lawmaker facing ALLEGATIONS FOR CORRUPTION still retain a seat as a Honorable member in Nigeria's parliament. For a said involvement in the scandal, he should be forced to resign and face charges. The law might say He is innocent until proven guilty, but with such mounting evidences at least, a resignation is not a condemnation.
2. Why does a Chairman, House of Representatives Ad hoc Committee on Fuel Subsidy have a meeting other than an official or Committee requested meeting with one of the very culprits whom you are investigating and also against who your committee report does not favor. Every meeting would and is supposed to be within the borders or confines of the said Committee, including all conversations and interrogations.
Well, I am still awaiting the conclusion of this interesting saga. Whether Nigeria accpts or not, this is a big shame for a country of our magnitude. Only in Nigeria do corrupt officials seek to fight corruption. Trust me, this whole thing will end the Nigerian way. As for Mike Ozekhome and Farouk, you both must really think Nigerians are very dumb. It's obvious Farouk is really smart. *smh*
Civilians beware, the military is watching your failures. #justsaying.
Thursday, 28 June 2012
Rick Ross looks His enemy in the Eyes......
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The Enemy doesn't always stay too far..He's always close enough so he could harm you. |
Just incase you wanna see something else very hilarious, look here (Viewer Discretion is advised)...Conveys a deeper message, *I think*.
Do you Know Bello-Osagie..Well, Guess you've heard of Chocalate City
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Choc Money.. Hakeem, 2nd from left. |
Many know of Sagee's involvement in Telecommunication and Petroleum, his lean management style, his grand Philanthropic gestures and so on, but guess few know that this Oxford-trained Business Mogul is also the Chairman of chocolatecity group. The music label is home to Africa’s biggest Hip Hop stars M.I, Jesse Jagz , Ice Prince, Brymo, Tonii & Dj Caise. Choc City is a 360 degree entertainment group of companies, consisting of Chocolate City Music, Chocolate City Media and Chocolate City Distribution.
As a few of us know, Hakeem was named Chairman during the restructuring process of the brand.
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Mixing Business and Chocolates> |
Saturday, 23 June 2012
The Legend, the god, the Maestro at 40. Who is Zinedine Zidane?
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The Legend at 40... |
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Zizou. |
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Next Generation Zizouees? |
Testament to that fact is his Fifa World best player awards, not once but on three good occasions:1998, 2000, 2003. It could have been four if Materazzi hadn't visited the devil the night before that final. The man Zidane won pretty much everything there is to win at club level as well, picking up league titles in Spain and Italy, and winning the Champions League with Real Madrid (in which he scored a spectacular volley) along with a host of individual awards.
Thursday, 21 June 2012
Boxing Lions Continue to weather new storms as it Kicks Tiger Out of the Woods..
Boxing seems to be the new money-order in the sports circle as boxers rake in multi-million dollars with every fight. Given the fact that they do fight once in a while as opposed to the continuous and pendulous swinging of the golf clubs in every Open. Floyd Mayweather has overtaken Tiger Woods at the top of Forbes magazine's list of the 100 highest-paid sports personalities over the past year. The currently imprisoned Mayweather who is serving a 3 months for domestic violence raked in $85 milla (54.25 million pounds) mostly via promotions of his own fights. Like we say in Nigeria, it's all about "pACKAGING".
Mayweather's packaging has seen Tiger woods relegated to third spot having received $59.4m (£37.92m) with boxer Manny Pacquiao rising to second on earnings of $62m (£39.57m). Oga Becks is 88th on the list thanks to his ever increasing influence of American soccer and Hollywood. Here's the top ten according to Forbes:
1. Floyd Mayweather $85m (£54.25m)
2 Manny Pacquiao $62m (£39.57m)
3 Tiger Woods $59.4m (£37.92m)
4 LeBron James $53m (£33.84m)
5 Roger Federer $52.7m (£33.64)
6 Kobe Bryant $52.3m (£33.38m)
7 Phil Mickelson $47.8m (£30.51m)
8 David Beckham $46m (£29.36m)
9 Cristiano Ronaldo $42.5m (£27.10m)
10 Peyton Manning $42.4m (£27.06m)
Mayweather's packaging has seen Tiger woods relegated to third spot having received $59.4m (£37.92m) with boxer Manny Pacquiao rising to second on earnings of $62m (£39.57m). Oga Becks is 88th on the list thanks to his ever increasing influence of American soccer and Hollywood. Here's the top ten according to Forbes:
1. Floyd Mayweather $85m (£54.25m)
2 Manny Pacquiao $62m (£39.57m)
3 Tiger Woods $59.4m (£37.92m)
4 LeBron James $53m (£33.84m)
5 Roger Federer $52.7m (£33.64)
6 Kobe Bryant $52.3m (£33.38m)
7 Phil Mickelson $47.8m (£30.51m)
8 David Beckham $46m (£29.36m)
9 Cristiano Ronaldo $42.5m (£27.10m)
10 Peyton Manning $42.4m (£27.06m)
Hawaiian Oracle: Money Speaks as Ellison Introduces Hawaii to The Oracle.
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L-R Larry Ellison, David Murdock. |
Oracle Corp. CEO Larry Ellison has reached a deal to buy 98 percent of the Hawaiian island of Lanai from its current owner, Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie said Wednesday. The 2 percent Ellison isn't buying is owned by the state, county and private residents. The billionaire boss of technology giant Oracle is set to take ownership of the 141 sq mile (365 sq km) island owned currently by billionaire David Murdock. Known as "Pineapple Island"even though Murdock closed its pineapple operations to make way for luxury resort and home development. The majority of the island was once owned by James Dole of Dole Food Company Inc., who bought it in 1922. Hawaii's smallest publicly accessible island is home to 3,200 residents and now boasts several luxury resorts.The island boasts unspoiled charm with 30 miles of paved roads, 400 miles of unpaved roads and no traffic lights. According to the Hawaii Tourism Authority, more than 26,000 people visited the island from January to April of this year, a 6 percent decline from the same period last year. Mr Murdock has owned Lanai since 1985 through private company Castle & Cooke. A co-founder of Oracle, one of Silicon Valley's traditional tech giants, Mr Ellison is listed sixth on Forbes' list of global billionaires, with a net worth estimated at $36bn, a huge difference from Murdock's $2.7bn.
Reports that Murdock was interested in selling the island had aroused rumors that Bill Gates, who rented the island for his 1994 wedding to Melinda French, was a potential buyer. J. Kalani English, a state senator who represents Lanai in Hawaii's Legislature, said he's hopeful the sale to Ellison will mean a return of agriculture to the island."I'm relieved because he's one of the richest people on the planet, which means he knows he'll lose a lot of money in the beginning and he can sustain that," said English, a Democrat.
Seventh-generation Lanaian Sol Kahoohalahala said he hopes to see an end to high unemployment and more opportunities for economic development beyond tourism."I look at this as a potential opportunity for us to get the new owner to look at Lanai in terms of an island that needs to work at sustaining itself," he said. "Tourism cannot be the only economic engine on Lanai."
Abercrombie said Ellison has had a longstanding interest in the island. "We look forward to welcoming Mr. Ellison in the near future," Abercrombie said. "His passion for nature, particularly the ocean is well known specifically in the realm of America's Cup sailing," he said.
The deal involves 88,000 acres of land, plus two resorts, two golf courses, a stable and various residential and commercial buildings, lawyers for Murdock told the utilities commission in its application. Larry Ellison's successful bid is unknown, but the asking price was said to be between $500m (£318m) and $600m.
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